Reference for the Dart client SDK
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The reference documentation covers the following classes, properties, and enums provided by the SDK:
- Api
- AuthData
- Ciphertext
- Ciphertext_Aes256gcmHkdfsha256
- Client
- Codec
- CodecRegistry
- Composite
- Composite_Part
- Compression
- ContactBundle
- ContactBundleV1
- ContactBundleV2
- ContentTypeId
- Conversation
- Cursor
- DecodedContent
- DecodedMessage
- EncodedContent
- EncryptedPrivateKeyBundle
- EncryptedPrivateKeyBundleV1
- Envelope
- IndexCursor
- InvitationV1
- InvitationV1_Aes256gcmHkdfsha256
- InvitationV1_Context
- Message
- MessageApiClient
- MessageApiServiceBase
- MessageHeaderV1
- MessageHeaderV2
- MessageV1
- MessageV2
- PagingInfo
- PrivateKey
- PrivateKey_Secp256k1
- PrivateKeyBundle
- PrivateKeyBundleV1
- PrivateKeyBundleV2
- PublicKey
- PublicKey_Secp256k1Uncompressed
- PublicKeyBundle
- PublishRequest
- PublishResponse
- QueryRequest
- QueryResponse
- SealedInvitation
- SealedInvitationHeaderV1
- SealedInvitationV1
- Signature
- Signature_ECDSACompact
- Signature_WalletECDSACompact
- SignedContent
- SignedPrivateKey
- SignedPrivateKey_Secp256k1
- SignedPublicKey
- SignedPublicKeyBundle
- SortDirection
- SubscribeRequest
- TextCodec
- Token
- UnsignedPublicKey
- UnsignedPublicKey_Secp256k1Uncompressed
- contentTypeText
- Ciphertext_Union
- Composite_Part_Element
- ContactBundle_Version
- Cursor_Cursor
- EncryptedPrivateKeyBundle_Version
- InvitationV1_Encryption
- Message_Version
- PrivateKey_Union
- PrivateKeyBundle_Version
- PublicKey_Union
- SealedInvitation_Version
- Signature_Union
- SignedPrivateKey_Union
- UnsignedPublicKey_Union